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Staff engagement and retention have become significant challenges in the food service industry, frequently coming up in discussions with guests on my Food Service Matters podcast. Always on the lookout to delve deeper, I recently had the pleasure of attending EP’s event on “The Evolution of Employee Experience”, where industry leaders shared valuable insights into how the workplace has evolved since the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as their thoughts on cultivating a more engaging work environment. One resounding theme that stood out to me was the importance of human connection and a sense of community to motivate employees to return to the office.

The Power of In-Person Interactions

According to the event’s research, an impressive 86.8% of people enjoy going into the office, with 88.1% agreeing that it increases their productivity. One of the main reasons why people prefer working from home, however, is the absence of a strong, collaborative culture in the office. 

In our increasingly digital world, there is a growing need for authentic human interactions and a sense of belonging. Face-to-face connections and shared experiences create a bond that virtual meetings can’t truly replicate. Since staff retention is a byproduct of engagement, companies should focus on creating thoughtful and enjoyable experiences for their teams.

Food as a Catalyst for Community Building

While human connection should be the driving force, providing enticing food options in the workplace is a strong motivator too. Food has the power to bring people together. By leveraging food service offerings strategically, companies can create opportunities for employees to bond over their shared love of food and new culinary experiences. 

Some recent food trends highlighted at EP’s event included a demand for more flexible menus, smaller portions with more intense flavours, healthy options available all year round (not just in January!), and a grazing culture where people snack throughout the day. These shifts present an opportunity for businesses to cater to evolving tastes and preferences while facilitating social interactions and enjoyment at work.

After all, the event’s research revealed that 91.1% of individuals feel companies that show a genuine sense of community and social focus benefit from higher productivity rates.

Embracing Technology to Enhance the Employee Experience

Another key highlight at the event was technology’s role in enhancing the overall employee experience, including their interactions with food.

By implementing mobile ordering apps and analysing their data, for example, companies can gain useful feedback on their employees’ preferences and consumption patterns. This approach streamlines the food service process, enabling workplaces to offer greater variety and convenience, as well as to cater to personalised dietary preferences. 

What’s more, integrating technology into the food experience can enhance employee satisfaction and create an engaging environment that draws them back to the workplace.

A Holistic Approach to Employee Engagement

While food and technology can facilitate community building, a holistic approach to employee engagement is essential. 

Companies should prioritise creating tailored development roadmaps for individual employees, nurturing a sense of growth and investment in each team member’s success. Transparent communication and sharing company results can also boost engagement, as employees feel valued and invested in the organisation’s journey.

Ultimately, it’s clear that employees seek genuine community, social purpose, and enjoyment at work. It reminds me of the mantra “people, food, finance”. By prioritising human connection, community and a genuine commitment to employee experience, businesses in the food service industry can create a more engaging environment that cultivates staff loyalty and retention, which is foundational to attracting top talent.