Some technologies are a headache – while others become your business’s bionic arm!
But how can you tell the difference between tech that is holding you back vs tech that will give your food service business a competitive advantage?
The key thing is to look for solutions that are simple, easy for your staff to use, and focused on the business you run.
So, here are three things to keep in mind that will help you choose the right tech solution for your food service business.

Designed for the job
Your business is wonderful and it is unique! You have your own motivations and your own challenges. When looking for tech, targeted technology will work better than a generalised app.
But things can go wrong with tech that isn’t designed for the job. Taking Excel sheets as an example: who hasn’t put data into the wrong column or row? And of course, the formulas get corrupted or mixed up. Then how do you verify the data or analyse it? At best, it leads to wasted time, at worst, it could lead to bad decisions and seriously undermine your business.
Speaking in a recent interview, Patrick McDermott – the founder behind food service food waste tech solution DigiTally – says: “A lot of people in the food service industry look for one tech solution that’s going to cover everything – their recipes, their inventory, their food waste, their allergens, their HACCP controls, their temperature logs, their labour… the list goes on forever! It’s time to stop the search for digital utopia – it doesn’t exist, and if it did, you’d need a full-time resource to manage it. Microsoft, for example, can do most aspects of any business, yet it’s Zoom that people turned to as their favoured choice of video conferencing – why? Because it is simple and intuitive.”
“When it comes to stocktaking, the traditional way is pen and paper, and Excel spreadsheets,” Patrick explains. “That’s very time-consuming for staff. It’s also challenging to teach new staff when they join your team, so, often, it’s the most senior people in the business – like chefs – who end up having to count and report on the inventory. This is such a waste of their time! DigiTally has been designed to digitise that whole process so it makes it very simple for your business to get data consistently, assess your margins, and take corrective action in a timely manner. Your time is better spent, profits increase, and food waste reduces.”
With a tailored app, you are no longer putting a square peg into a round hole. When the app is designed well, it is likely to save time and energy compared to more general technology that doesn’t quite fit the job in hand.
… and for the solution
When a piece of technology is made for the job, not only will it be easier to use, but it will often offer you insights that, otherwise, might be difficult to extract from the data.
In other words, you need tech that gives you more control and leads you in the direction you need to go. Tailored technology will often help you identify action points that genuinely impact your businesses.
Patrick explains how this works with DigiTally, “We make it very simple to get the information in – and to get it out. We digitise that whole process, so it is easy for the business to get data consistently. This allows you to see your margin and take corrective action in a timely manner. Your time is better spent, profits increase, and food waste reduces.”
With tech that guides you towards the solutions, you will feel empowered and confident to make changes, drive forward, and maximise profit.
Set up by a knowledgeable and dedicated company
When you can depend on the company behind the technology, you know that you are in safe hands.
Research your product and ask yourself – do the designers know my business?
DigiTally, again, is a great example. It was designed by a team that has spent decades in the food and beverage industry. Before founding the company, Patrick spent over 25 years in the food and beverage sector, including as Assistant Restaurant Manager on the Queen Mary II cruise ship.
“I created DigiTally because I saw that the methods used needed to be improved. Not only were companies wasting time unnecessarily but also food! This app enables food service businesses to make accurate operational decisions quickly,” he says.
Technology designed by a knowledgeable team will lead to changes that are easy and fast for your business to implement – and which give you much greater peace of mind.
One final top tip? Make sure the tech has been tried and tested by other companies. Read through testimonials and talk to the tech producer to ask how it would fit with your business.
Keeping it simple, intuitive, and focused!
Remembering these rules when taking onboard new tech will help you navigate the waters ahead.
Make sure that it is simple, intuitive and makes your life easier. Your tech should be focused on the task you need it for and supported by a team that knows your industry.
If you want to learn more about DigiTally and how this stocktaking app could help your food service business, save money, reduce food waste, and reduce your carbon footprint, just book a 30-minute chat with Patrick.